AIV Ag Test Kit


Avian influenza refers to a disease caused by infection with avian influenza A viruses. These viruses occur naturally among wild waterfowl throughout the world and can infect domestic poultry and other species of birds and animals. The RIDX® AIV Ag Test Kit is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) antigens in bird faeces. This kit shows two letters which are the test line (T) and control line (C) on the surface of the device.

If the AIV antigen exists in the sample, it binds to the AIV antibody conjugated to cellulose nanobeads. The antigen-antibody complex moves across the membrane by capillary force and responds to the AIV antibody in the test line, resulting in a red line. The control line indicates that the test was successful and should appear when the test is complete. Two monoclonal antibodies against the AIV nucleocapsid (NP) conservative protein are used as capture and detector in the kit. The RIDX® AIV Ag Test Kit can detect various AIV NP subtypes in poultry faeces with high precision in the farm field.

Anigen | BIONOTE  | Rapid AIV Ag Test Kit | RG15-01


Poultry faeces or rectal swabs


  • AIV Ag test device (30 tests)
  • Sample dilution buffer (30 vials)
  • Disposable swabs (30 each)
  • Dropper cap with sample filter (30 each)


• Clinical Sensitivity: 100% (viral conc. ≥ 1×104.0 EID50/ml) vs PCR

• Clinical specificity: 99.5% (206/207) vs. in ovo injection method

• Detection limit: 1×104.3 EID50/ml (H5N2), 0.5×103.0 EID50/ml (H5N8 and H5N6)

• No cross-reactivity with other avian pathogens (IBV, IBDV, M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae)


  • 30 tests/kit
  • 2 Kits/Box (60 Tests/Box) or 9 Kits/Box (270 Tests/Box)

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