The Wit-Gele Kruis Vlaams-Brabant is a Christian-inspired service for home nursing, which, based on a principle of solidarity and through strongly patient and environment-oriented care, wants to promote the human dignity of patients with passion and is also committed to this, from its own nurse. expertise and involvement, in a wider healthcare system.

The pursuit of quality through involvement and expertise is central to the Wit-Gele Kruis Vlaams-Brabant. These are two elements that are constantly emphasized in the history of the organisation.


The home nurse of the White-Yellow Cross:

  • works as an autonomous professional and as an ambassador of our organization in a responsible and qualitative nursing care relationship with the patient as a unique person .
  • shows essential respect for the patient.
  • uses her personality and expertise to be there for the patient.
  • realizes this in the security of and in collaboration with a team of colleagues, in synergy with the attending physician, the family and informal caregivers and the other care providers .
  • is actively supported in this by an organization where, given the economic reality, choices are made time and again at all levels to use the available resources efficiently and responsibly for the benefit of the patient.