Het remmende effect en mechanisme van quetiapine op tumorprogressie bij hepatocellulair carcinoom in vivo

The inhibitory effect and mechanism of quetiapine on tumor progression in hepatocellular carcinoma in vivo
Hepatocellulair carcinoom (HCC) is de eerste  tumor  van de lever en de vierde belangrijkste reden achter de  meeste aan kanker gerelateerde overlijdens. Nog niet zo lang geleden wees een aantal onderzoeken op het antitumorpotentieel  van antipsychotica. Quetiapine, een atypisch antipsychoticum, wordt sinds 1997 gebruikt voor de behandeling van schizofrenie, bipolaire stoornissen en depressieve stoornissen.
Desalniettemin is het nog steeds onduidelijk of quetiapine de ontwikkeling van HCC kan onderdrukken en of het onderliggende mechanisme ervan kan worden onderdrukt. Het is bewezen dat quetiapine in vitro apoptose induceert en de invasievaardigheid in HCC remt. Hier hebben we twee totaal verschillende HCC (Hep3B, SK-Hep1) dragende dieren vastgesteld om de therapie-effectiviteit van quetiapine te bepalen.
 Tumorprogressie  , signaaltransductie en reguliere  weefselpathologie  na behandeling met quetiapine zijn gevalideerd door respectievelijk schuifmaat, bioluminescentiebeeld, immunohistochemie ( IHC ) en hematoxyline- en eosinekleuring. Quetiapine onderdrukte de HCC-ontwikkeling op een dosisafhankelijke methode.
Extracellulaire signaalgereguleerde kinasen (ERK’s) en door kernfactor-KB (NF-KB) gemedieerde stroomafwaartse eiwitten, vergelijkbaar met myeloïde leukemieceldifferentiatie-eiwit (MCL-1), mobiel FLICE-remmend eiwit (C-FLIP), X-gekoppelde remmer van apoptose-eiwit (XIAP), Cyclin-D1, matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP-9) , vasculaire endotheliale progressiefactor-A (VEGF-A) en indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) die betrekking hadden op proliferatie, overleving, angiogenese, invasie en antitumorimmuniteit  zijn allemaal verminderd door quetiapine.
Daarnaast zijn extrinsieke/intrinsieke caspase-afhankelijke en caspase-onafhankelijke routes, samen met gesplitste caspase-3, -8 en – 9 verhoogd door quetiapine. Kortom, de  tumor  remmen die uitkomsten van quetiapine lid kon met ERK en NFKB inactivatie.

Afwijkende expressie van MYD88 door middel van RNA-controlerende CNOT4 en EXOSC3 in colonmucosa heeft invloed op de technologie van de meeste kankers in de dikke darm 

In 2020, de wereldwijde incidentie en mortaliteit van colorectale kanker  (CRC) zijn derde tweede, respectievelijk. Omdat de vijf jaar te overleven prijs is laag wanneer CRC wordt geïdentificeerd in een ingewikkeld stadium, een betrouwbare techniek te voorspellen CRC gevoeligheid is van essentieel belang voor het stoppen van het ontstaan en de groei en het verbeteren van de prognose van de CRC.
Vervolgens hebben we ons geconcentreerd op het conventionele colonmucosa om veranderingen in genexpressie te onderzoeken die daaropvolgende genetische veranderingen zullen induceren die kwaadaardige transformatie induceren. Volledige genexpressie profilering in de normale mucosa grenzend aan colon  kanker  (CC) vergeleken met weefsel  van noncolon  kanker  (NCC) patiënten werd uitgevoerd .
PCR-arrays en qRT-PCR onthulden dat de expressie van 5 genen die betrokken zijn bij de immuunrespons, samen met MYD88, verhoogd was in het reguliere slijmvlies van CC- patiënten De expressie varieert van MyD88 zijn opvallend verhoogd pre kanker ous normale mucosa specimens, waarvoor geen somatische mutaties herbergden, zoals aangetoond door immunohistochemie ( IHC ).
Microarray evaluatie herkende twee nieuwe RNA-moleculen regelen, EXOSC3 en CNOT4, die zijn aanzienlijk opwaarts gereguleerd binnen het normale slijmvlies van CC patiënten en zijn duidelijk zichtbaar in de kernen.
Gedwongen expressie van EXOSC3 en CNOT4 in menselijke colonepitheelcellen verhoogde de expressie van IFNGR1, MYD88, NFκBIA en STAT3 en activeerde ERK1/2 en JNK in 293T-cellen. Genomen collectief , deze uitkomsten raadsman dat binnen de geïnfecteerde slijmvlies, EXOSC3- en CNOT4-gemedieerde RNA stabilisatie, samen met die van MyD88, kon verrekenen het geval van  de meeste vormen van kanker en kan functioneren een mogelijke voorspellende marker en revolutionaire therapie voor het beheer van de meeste vormen van kanker groei .

Fluorescerende multiplex-immunohistochemie in combinatie met verschillende  ultramoderne methoden om de tumor- immuunmicro-omgeving systematisch te karakteriseren 

Onze het verhogen van informatie van de interacties tussen  tumor  cellen en hun micro-omgeving heeft geholpen om een revolutie  meeste vormen van kanker remedies , samen met de nieuwere groei van immuuntherapie. Immuuncellen zijn een essentieel onderdeel van de  micro-omgeving van de  tumor die de ontwikkeling en therapieresponsen beïnvloeden, met name op de gloednieuwe immunotherapieën.
Technologische vooruitgang die helpen om de complexiteit te ontcijferen en de verscheidenheid van de  tumor  immuun micro-omgeving (TIME) zijn meer en meer gebruikt in translationeel onderzoek en biomarker onderzoek Huidige methoden die TIME- analyse vergemakkelijken , omvatten circulerende cytometrie, op multiplex gebaseerde immunoassays, chromogene immunohistochemie ( IHC ), fluorescerende multiplex  IHC , immunofluorescentie en ruimtelijke transcriptomics.
Deze tekst geeft een samenvatting van onze consultant informatie , bespreekt het apparaat van elke strategie om het onderzoek van de tijd, samen met hun voordelen en uitdagingen, en adviezen van het potentieel wetenschappelijke doeleinden Move cytometry en chromogene en fluorescerende multiplex  IHC zijn gebruikt om het immuunsysteem profiel een HER2 + borstkanker  meeste vormen van kanker , ter illustratie van een aantal factoren .
Ruimtelijke transcriptoom evaluatie van een luminale B borst  tumor  aangetoond dat essentiële verder perceptie kan worden opgedaan met deze nieuwe methode Tenslotte indien van multiplex paneel om te bepalen prolifererende B-cellen, Tfh en Tfr cellen op de identieke weefsel gedeelte toont de co-localisatie in tertiaire lymfoïde gebouwen .

Incidentie van schildkliercarcinomen in een langdurig retrospectief onderzoek van 526 autopsies

Schildklier meeste vormen van kanker  is goed voor 1% van alle maligniteiten, en veranderen in meer en meer verspreid over de hele wereld. De literatuur vermeldt een prevalentie van ~50% van de schildklierknobbeltjes die werden gedetecteerd tijdens autopsies bij onderwerpen met onbekende schildklierpathologie.
Een langdurig retrospectief onderzoek van 526 postmortale gevallen werd uitgevoerd om de prevalentie van schildkliercarcinoom te bepalen onder de talrijke vormen van schildklierknobbeltjes die overigens worden herkend Tissue  monsters zijn genomen van schildklier knobbeltjes, voor onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid van schildkliercarcinoom, samen met hun macroscopische en microscopische opties via histopathologie en immunohistochemie ( IHC strategieën .
Histopathologische analyse van maligniteit was aanwezig in 51 gevallen van geanalyseerde schildkliermonsters. Systematisch gedetailleerd onderzoek toonde aan {dat een} schildklier, schijnbaar regelmatig bij macroscopisch onderzoek, de website zal zijn van pathologische manifestaties, die typisch carcinomateuze bevindingen presenteren.
Onder schildkliercarcinomen was de allerbeste frequentie die van papillaire microcarcinomen, die een langdurige evolutie hebben en trouwens worden gedetecteerd tijdens autopsies. Papillair microcarcinoom is een bijzonder wijdverbreide incidentele ontdekking en de overgrote meerderheid van die tumoren volgt  een goedaardig verloop. Bovendien , is het gevolg van dit feit essentieel maken landelijke screening aanvragen voor de vroegtijdige detectie van schildkliercarcinoom.
Het remmende effect en mechanisme van quetiapine op tumorprogressie bij hepatocellulair carcinoom in vivo
NOL4L, een nieuw nucleair eiwit, bevordert celproliferatie en metastase door de PI3K/AKT-route bij de meeste eierstokkankers te verbeteren
Nucleolair eiwit 4-achtig (NOL4L) werd voor het eerst herkend bij acute myeloïde leukemie. Daarna werd het gecontroleerd te worden betrokken in cel ontwikkeling in neuroblastoom. Desalniettemin worden de praktische positie van NOL4L in  tumorproliferatie  en metastase en de onderliggende moleculaire mechanismen meestal niet volledig begrepen.
Immunohistochemie ( IHC ) testen zijn uitgevoerd in weefsels van aangetaste personen om NOL4L-expressieprofielen te onthullen . Dan hebben we neergehaald NOL4L twee ovariële  kanker  cel stammen (SKOV3-IP1 en He) en cellen gebaseerde in vitro en in vivo assays werden vervolgens uitgevoerd om te bereiken waarneming in het onderliggende mechanisme van NOL4L ovarium  kanker .
We bevestigd dat de expressie van NOL4L werd verhoogd in  tumor weefsels , in het bijzonder in peritoneale metastatische  weefsels . Bovendien merkten we dat NOL4L geassocieerd was met de prognose van de meeste patiënten met eierstokkanker  . Daaropvolgende we uitgevoerd CCK- Acht assays kolonievorming assays, migratie en invasie experimenten en wond therapeutische assays en geverifieerd dat NOL4L kan proliferatie en metastase bij eierstokkanker bevorderen  kanker  cellen.

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1434142-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Kidney

D1434142 100 ug
EUR 329

Rat normal kidney tissue array

TR071a each
EUR 48
Description: Rat normal kidney tissue array, 6 cases/24 cores, replacing TR071

Matched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Kidney

C8235142-PP 10 reactions x2
EUR 583

Normal kidney and normal adjacent kidney tissue array

KDN241a each
EUR 138
Description: Normal kidney and normal adjacent kidney tissue array, 24 cases/ 24 cores

Kidney cancer tissue array with normal Kidney tissue

KD2082a each
EUR 474
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with normal Kidney tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 96 cases/192 cores, replacing KD2082

Kidney Tissue Slide (Normal)

10-401-10um 10 um
EUR 241.8

Kidney Tissue Slide (Normal)

10-401-4um 4 um
EUR 216.6

Normal kidney tissue array

KD803 each
EUR 354
Description: Normal kidney tissue array, replacing BN07012, 80 cases/80 cores

Normal kidney tissue array

KDN242 each
EUR 72
Description: Normal kidney tissue array, 24 cases/24 cores

Kidney Tissue Slide (Normal)

MBS154338-10um 10um
EUR 210

Kidney Tissue Slide (Normal)

MBS154338-4um 4um
EUR 195

Kidney Tissue Slide (Normal)

MBS154338-5x10um 5x10um
EUR 920

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652496-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652496-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652261-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652261-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Canine Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652439-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Canine Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652439-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Kidney Tissue Lysate (Normal)

1706-02 0.1 mg
EUR 260.7
Description: Kidney tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization in modified RIPA buffer (150 mM sodium chloride, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholic acid, 0.1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 5 μg/ml of aprotinin, 5 μg/ml of leupeptin. Tissue and cell debris was removed by centrifugation. Protein concentration was determined with Bio-Rad protein assay. The product was boiled for 5 min in 1 x SDS sample buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 12.5% glycerol, 1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 0.01% bromophenol blue) containing 5% β-mercaptoethanol.

Kidney Tissue Lysate (Normal)

1706-03 0.1 mg
EUR 260.7
Description: Kidney tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization in modified RIPA buffer (150 mM sodium chloride, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholic acid, 0.1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 5 μg/ml of aprotinin, 5 μg/ml of leupeptin. Tissue and cell debris was removed by centrifugation. Protein concentration was determined with Bio-Rad protein assay. The product was boiled for 5 min in 1 x SDS sample buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 12.5% glycerol, 1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 0.01% bromophenol blue) containing 5% β-mercaptoethanol.

Kidney Tissue Lysate (Normal)

1706-04 0.1 mg
EUR 260.7
Description: Kidney tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization in modified RIPA buffer (150 mM sodium chloride, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholic acid, 0.1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 5 μg/ml of aprotinin, 5 μg/ml of leupeptin. Tissue and cell debris was removed by centrifugation. Protein concentration was determined with Bio-Rad protein assay. The product was boiled for 5 min in 1 x SDS sample buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 12.5% glycerol, 1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 0.01% bromophenol blue) containing 5% β-mercaptoethanol.

Kidney Tissue Lysate (Normal)

1706-05 0.1 mg
EUR 260.7
Description: Kidney tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization in modified RIPA buffer (150 mM sodium chloride, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholic acid, 0.1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 5 μg/ml of aprotinin, 5 μg/ml of leupeptin. Tissue and cell debris was removed by centrifugation. Protein concentration was determined with Bio-Rad protein assay. The product was boiled for 5 min in 1 x SDS sample buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 12.5% glycerol, 1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 0.01% bromophenol blue) containing 5% β-mercaptoethanol.

Rat Tissue Lysate Kidney Medulla Normal

GWB-F5DEBF 0.15 mg Ask for price

Kidney cancer tissue array with adjacent normal kidney tissue

BC07015b each
EUR 168
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with adjacent normal kidney tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 72 cases/72 cores, replacing BC07015a

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1334142-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney

D1334142 100 ug
EUR 329

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Monkey (Rhesus) Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652552-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Monkey (Rhesus) Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652552-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney

P1334142 1 mg
EUR 216

Tissue Lysate (Normal) Human Kidney

GWB-FEAC28 0.15 mg Ask for price

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue

KD901a each
EUR 258
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 40 cases/90 cores, replacing KD901

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Monkey (Cynomolgus) Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652401-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Monkey (Cynomolgus) Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652401-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Kidney tumour with normal tissue array

KD2001 each
EUR 474
Description: Kidney tumour with normal tissue array, including Clear cell carcinoma (CCRCC), Sarcomatoid carcinoma, Papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC), Chromopobe carcinoma(crcc), Invasive low grade urothelial carcinoma, with Isup Grade, TNM/Stage (AJCC 8th edition), 100 cases/200 cores (core size 1.0mm),replacing BC07114

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1234142-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Rat Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 2: Normal Kidney Epithelial Cells

9-80263 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissues

KD2083 each
EUR 474
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 69 cases/208 cores

Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissues

KD721 each
EUR 168
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissues, 24 cases/72 cores

Tissue cDNA (Matched Pairs), Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652533-2Panels 2Panels
EUR 805

Tissue cDNA (Matched Pairs), Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652533-5x2Panels 5x2Panels
EUR 3400

Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney Whole Cell Lysate

MNK-100 1 mg
EUR 628.8

Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney Whole Cell Lysate

MNK-50 50 ug
EUR 196.8

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1534142-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Kidney tumor tissue array with normal tissue as control

KD961 each
EUR 258
Description: Kidney tumor tissue array with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases/96 cores

Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney

P1234142 1 mg
EUR 216

Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissue as control

KD962 each
EUR 258
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases/96 cores

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1534142-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Tissue, Total RNA, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638687-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 435

Tissue, Total RNA, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638687-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1735

Adjacent normal kidney tissue and cancer tissue array

BN07011b each
EUR 203
Description: Adjacent normal kidney tissue and cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 20 cases/54 cores, replacing BN07011

Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney

P3234142 0.1 mg
EUR 311

Kidney cancer (grade I) tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue

KD701a each
EUR 234
Description: Kidney cancer (grade I) tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 35 cases/70 cores, replacing KD701

Tissue, Genomic DNA, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS654611-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 575

Tissue, Genomic DNA, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS654611-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2440

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney

R2234142 1 ug
EUR 744

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue

KD321a each
EUR 198
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology ISUP grade, 16 cases/32 cores, replacing KD321

Kidney cancer with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue array

KD603 each
EUR 204
Description: Kidney cancer with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue array, containing metastatic clear cell carcinoma, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (reference AJCC 8th version), 33 cases/61 cores

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent or caner adjacent kidney tissue

Kid-060Sur01 each
EUR 954
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent or caner adjacent kidney tissue, including TNM, ISUP grade and survival data, 30 cases/60 cores

Human Adult Kidney (Normal) Whole tissue lysate

HAL-1305 1 mg
EUR 628.8

Monkey (Cyno.) Normal Kidney Whole tissue lysate

MCL-1190 1 mg
EUR 628.8

Tissue, Total Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS657420-1mg 1mg
EUR 565

Tissue, Total Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS657420-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 2315

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS657589-1mg 1mg
EUR 565

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS657589-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 2315

Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Kidney Whole tissue lysate

MRL-1301 1 mg
EUR 628.8

Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Kidney

T1234142 5 slides
EUR 377

Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Kidney (Frozen)

MBS640178-5Sections 5Sections
EUR 635

Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Kidney (Frozen)

MBS640178-5x5Sections 5x5Sections
EUR 2640

Tissue Set, BioAssay, DNA, RNA, Protein, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS640973-1Set 1Set
EUR 650

Tissue Set, BioAssay, DNA, RNA, Protein, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS640973-5x1Set 5x1Set
EUR 2970

Kidney Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of kidney cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues

Z7020053 5 slides
EUR 1125.6
Description: Our tissue products are produced by strictly following the IRB ethical standards and procedures and from highest quality tissues. Immediately after collection the tissues are placed in liquid nitrogen and examined by certified pathologists. The thickness of each individual section is ~5um. They are Hematoxylin and Eosin stained and quality tested by immunostaining with anti-beta-actin antibodies. Our tissue products are suitable for various studies on cellular level (RNA localization, Protein expression, etc.) on both normal and pathological cases. It is also an excellent control and educational tool.

Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Kidney

T2234142 5 slides
EUR 204

Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Kidney (Paraffin)

MBS640009-5Sections 5Sections
EUR 460

Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Kidney (Paraffin)

MBS640009-5x5Sections 5x5Sections
EUR 1925

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS639828-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 570

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS639828-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2345

Human Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 2: Normal Kidney Epithelial Cells

9-80075 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Mouse Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 2: Normal Kidney Epithelial Cells

9-80171 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Rat Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 6: Normal Renal Firbroblasts

9-80267 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Multiple Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissue control from autopsy

KD483 each
EUR 168
Description: Multiple Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissue control from autopsy, 48 cases/48 cores, with stage and grade data

Rat Normal Kidney tissue (single section per slide) (5 slides/pack)

RaFPT007 5 slides
EUR 150

Kidney Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/pack

TS-R5405 -
EUR 145

Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Kidney

D8235142-PP-10 2x10 ug
EUR 478

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Kidney

R1234142-P 50 ug
EUR 443

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Lung

C1434152 40 reactions
EUR 424

Tissue, Total RNA, Mouse, Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638539-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 435

Tissue, Total RNA, Mouse, Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638539-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1735

Tissue, Total RNA, Human Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638594-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 495

Tissue, Total RNA, Human Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638594-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1995

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain

C1434035 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Colon

C1434090 40 reactions
EUR 636

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Heart

C1434122 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Liver

C1434149 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Rectum

C1434206 40 reactions
EUR 636

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Spleen

C1434246 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Testis

C1434260 40 reactions
EUR 424

High density tissue array (70 cases/208 cores) of kidney cancer and normal tissue

KD208 each
EUR 546
Description: High density tissue array (70 cases/208 cores) of kidney cancer and normal tissue

Tissue, Genomic DNA, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS654413-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 575

Tissue, Genomic DNA, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS654413-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2440

Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney, from a single donor

D1234142 100 ug
EUR 329

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Adipose

C1434003 40 reactions
EUR 636

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Bladder

C1434010 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Stomach

C1434248 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Placenta

C1434200 40 reactions
EUR 636

Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Kidney

R8235142-PP-10 2x10 ug
EUR 500

Mouse Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 3: Normal Podocytes

9-80172 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Rat Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 1: Normal Glomerular Endothelial Cells

9-80262 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Multiple Kidney cancer test tissue array with unmatched normal adjacent tissue

KD242 each
EUR 48
Description: Multiple Kidney cancer test tissue array with unmatched normal adjacent tissue, 10 cases/24 cores

Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array

KD241 each
EUR 48
Description: Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array, including TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores

Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array

KD241a each
EUR 66
Description: Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array, including TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores, replacing KD241

Rat Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 5: Normal Renal Artery Endothelial Cells

9-80266 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Rat Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 8: Normal Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells

9-80269 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Tissue, Total RNA, Monkey (Rhesus) Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638547-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 485

Tissue, Total RNA, Monkey (Rhesus) Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS638547-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1960

Matched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Kidney

P8235142-PP 0.2 mg x2
EUR 716

Tissue Set, BioAssay, DNA, RNA, Protein, Human Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS639416-1Kit 1Kit
EUR 730

Tissue Set, BioAssay, DNA, RNA, Protein, Human Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS639416-5x1Kit 5x1Kit
EUR 3075

Tissue Set, BioAssay, DNA, RNA, Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS640995-1Set 1Set
EUR 650

Tissue Set, BioAssay, DNA, RNA, Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney

MBS640995-5x1Set 5x1Set
EUR 2970

Human Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 6: Normal Renal Podocytes

9-80079 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Human Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 4: Normal Renal Firbroblasts

9-80077 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Mouse Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 5: Normal Renal Firbroblasts

9-80174 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle

C1434171 40 reactions
EUR 424

cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Small Intestine

C1434226 40 reactions
EUR 636

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent tissue and metastatic carcinoma

KD951a each
EUR 1434
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent tissue and metastatic carcinoma, with TNM, clinical stage, pathology grade and survival data, 32 cases/95 cores,replacing KD951

Kidney Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/pack

TS-H5013 -
EUR 145

Kidney Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/pack

TS-M5203 -
EUR 145

Human Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 5: Normal Renal Mesangial Cells

9-80078 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Mouse Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 6: Normal Renal Mesangial Cells

9-80175 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Tissue, Section, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Kidney, Frozen

MBS640478-2x5Sections 2x5Sections
EUR 900

Tissue, Total Protein, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Kidney

MBS656969-2x02mg 2x0.2mg
EUR 935

Matched Pair (Normal and Carcinoma) Human Kidney Tissue Array (5 slides/pk)

TAS-1007 1 pk
EUR 343.2

Tissue, Array, Rat Adult Normal, Multi, tissue I, heart, brain, kidney, liver, lung, spleen, small intestine, skeletal muscle

MBS639715-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 510

Tissue, Array, Rat Adult Normal, Multi, tissue I, heart, brain, kidney, liver, lung, spleen, small intestine, skeletal muscle

MBS639715-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 2145

Tissue, Section, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Kidney (Paraffin)

MBS640058-2x5Sections 2x5Sections
EUR 660

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Kidney Tumor, kidney tumors x3, normal control x1, normal placenta (matched with mRNA blots) (Paraffin)

MBS639605-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 660

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Kidney Tumor, kidney tumors x3, normal control x1, normal placenta (matched with mRNA blots) (Paraffin)

MBS639605-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 2810

Human Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 1: Normal Glomerular Endothelial Cells

9-80074 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Mouse Kidney Tissue Preparation Buffer 1: Normal Glomerular Endothelial Cells

9-80170 1 x 100 ml Ask for price

Bovendien promootte NOL4L de ontwikkeling en uitzaaiing van tumoren in een naakte muizenpop. Mechanistisch hebben we aangetoond dat NOL4L genexpressie binnen de PI3K/AKT-route beïnvloedde. In totaal levert ons onderzoek genetisch en biochemisch bewijs dat NOL4L belangrijk is voor tumorontwikkeling en metastase in de meeste kankercellen van de eierstokken. Het kan dus een doel zijn voor antimetastatische remedie bij de meeste eierstokkankers.

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Alternative name 5 – ((7-Cl-1H-indol-3-yl) methyl) -3-methylimidazolidine-2,4-dione); 7-Cl-O-Nec-1 Peptide sequence: No Appearance: Solid yellow CAS #: 852391-15-2 Molecular formula: C₁₃H₁₂ClN₃O₂ Molecular weight: 277.71 Purity: ≥96% by TLC and LC-MS Solubility: